July 14, 2007

Game Night July 12, 2007

In attendance were Alan (after a long absence vacationing in Spain), Whitnie, Scott, Matthew, Brian, Megan, John, Thomas and Myself.

I made brownies for everyone for snacks(mmmmmmm.....)

Brian, Alan, Scott, Thomas and Matthew played Railroad Tycoon which Brian was really looking forward to since last week. However Alan was the one to come out on top.

Whitnie, John and Megan and myself played Barbie Queen of the Prom Game. Megan had brought the game and Whitnie insisted that I play. So in order to get a forth I bribed John with a promise to play battlelore when it was finished. It actually turned out to be fun (sometimes its not the game its the people who play with). Megan won that game (making her extremely happy since it was her game).

After that game John and I sat down for a game of Battlelore which is a really great simple two player wargame. I own Memoir '44 and Command and Colors Ancients and I think I like this game most of all. John won the game but we both had a really great time.

All in all it was another great game night and I can't wait to see everyone next week.

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