April 27, 2007

Game Night, April 26, 2007

In Attendance were Alan, Brian, Scott, Marcus, Thomas and Myself.

Alan had recently purchased a new game Starfarers of Catan, and Marcus and he sat down to go over the rules, while they did that Brian, Scott, Thomas and myself played a game of Ingenious, it was an odd game everyone scored very high, brian actually got Ingenious on all the colors and won even before the last tile was played.

After that game, Thomas had to leave shortly so Brian, Alan and Marcus played Starfarers while Scott and I played 2 games of Command and Colors Ancients. This was Scott's first time, although he had played Memoir '44 a few time. He said that he enjoyed Ancients more, since it appeared that the cards gave you more options and the player aid sheet included with the game, gave a player all the information they needed to know during the course of play. Scott won the first game and I won the second.

In the time it took for Scott and I to play two games of Command and Colors, Marcus, Alan and Brian was just finishing up their game of Starfarers. Alan won the game making the purchase that much sweeter, although he did say that a four player game would probably be better since each player would have less room to move across the board.

All in all the three of them agreed that it was a fun game and would gladly play again.

Thanks all for coming and hope to see you next week.

Creature Double Feature WLVI TV56

I grew in central Massachusetts about forty miles outside of Boston and when I was a child Channel 56 a local UHF channel aired "Creature Double Feature" every Saturday afternoon starting at 1:00 pm and running till 4:00 pm. I was glued to the set every time this ran, they showed a wide range of classic horror movies from Universal Monster, Roger Corman cheap B moves and Japanese Monster Movies. This is were I was first introduced to Frankenstein, Dracula, Godzilla and many little know monsters. Its a shame that these films are now considered by a wide circle to be outdated and no longer commercial. These were classic films which I fell in love with and still have a place in my heart for to this very day. This was when horror, for me was mood (sometimes cheese) but never gore.

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