April 27, 2007

Creature Double Feature WLVI TV56

I grew in central Massachusetts about forty miles outside of Boston and when I was a child Channel 56 a local UHF channel aired "Creature Double Feature" every Saturday afternoon starting at 1:00 pm and running till 4:00 pm. I was glued to the set every time this ran, they showed a wide range of classic horror movies from Universal Monster, Roger Corman cheap B moves and Japanese Monster Movies. This is were I was first introduced to Frankenstein, Dracula, Godzilla and many little know monsters. Its a shame that these films are now considered by a wide circle to be outdated and no longer commercial. These were classic films which I fell in love with and still have a place in my heart for to this very day. This was when horror, for me was mood (sometimes cheese) but never gore.


Anonymous said...

I can not believe this. I was just talking to a friend a few days ago about Creature Double Feature and how I would wait for it to come on each Saturday. Man do I miss those days. I guess only the ones who grew up watching TV56 really understand how sad it is there's nothing like that on tv anymore. Great way to spend an afternoon when I was a kid.

Anonymous said...

I also grew up w/ Creature Double Feature. It was so much of a staple for us kids in MA. Miss those days!!


Anonymous said...

Oh man, do I have great memories of Creature Double feature and Ch.56 in general. Back in the 70's it was the coolest channel offered by our cable company on Connecticut. Professional wrestling, CDF, martial arts movies, the Monkees, the Banana Splits, Gilligan's Island.......the list just goes on and on.

Boy, I sure do miss ch.56!

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